
So this past week has been pretty hectic. It's been a little difficult because since we are pink washing we are having to in a way start fresh. The elders didn't really leave us with very many investigators and they haven't really kept up with the area book. Church yesterday was quite interesting... there were probably only about 10 to 15 people there. Our relief society had about 5 sisters. It was very different than what I am use to. Because of that, there are a lot of less actives. We have been trying to meet all of them and help bring them back but we probably have only talked to 2 or maybe 3 families our of the 40 that are here in Hot Springs. Our Ward(Branch) has families from Hot Springs, Edgemont, and Custer. Plus some other little towns around here.. But since we only have a certain amount of miles each month we haven't had a chance to really go visit those in Edgemont and Custer. Can you believe that there are 40 less active families here in hot springs? And there are another 30 or so less actives in Custer! Crazy... Our branch would be huge if we didn't have as many less actives! That's why we need to go out and bring them back! So we have a LOT of work to do.
Sometimes it gets really hard. The mix of not having people to teach yet and not having a lot of members makes things hard and makes it so we aren't sure exactly what to do. We've been tracting a lot! But its been good.
I didn't realize how different and hard this would be. At times I doubt if this is what I truly want to be doing for the next year and a half and I get down but the little things makes it worth it. Yesterday we got to meet and teach a less active and she was adorable! We taught her about prayer and it went really well. You can see that she was actually thinking about what we were sharing! The spirit was definitely there! But that definitely gave us a spiritual high and now I know what people say when those little moments make up for all the hard ones! I just need to always remember that as long as I am working hard and being exactly obedient the Lord will bless us. Well, time is running short but I am so glad I am able to be out here and spreading the gospel. The happiness it brings to your life is incredible and everyone deserves to know it!
I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you soon. Keep us in your prayers! They truly do help! Miss you and hope you all have a great week! (Mom, good luck with school! You can do it(: )
Sister Allen

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Sister Abigail Allen
South Dakota Rapid City Mission