Mama and Pops,
Yeah, crazy how time flies! Crazy about the weather there! The weather has been getting colder here. It's definitely fall. I whipped out that really long tan wool jacket that Nancy gave me. It works wonders and keeps me warm! Thank her for me mama! The mosquitos keep eating me alive though... my legs look like something is wrong with me, I have so many welts haha. But yes, the package came this past Wednesday! I didn't get it until Thursday night though but it was such a surprise!
We had exchanges this past Thursday which was fun! It's fun being able to see how other sister's teach and go about filling their days. I was in charge though but it was fun! Made me super grateful for my companion though! We get along so great and have a whole lot of fun. 
The General Relief Society meeting was amazing! We counted down every hour until it started hahaha. You can tell we really thrive off of those kind of things. We are SO excited for conference! I don't have much time today, only 30 minutes to write emails.. but next weeks letter will be super long because I have to update you about this past week!
I love you all so much and just absolutely LOVE hearing about your lives. I don't mind if you ramble mama (: In fact, please do! We usually get about 2 hours to email.. that's what our Mission President has allowed us for writing emails. Exciting stuff! Anywho, I miss you all and wish that you could all just see how amazing missionary work is. I just love it so much!

Love you so much,
Sister Allen

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Sister Abigail Allen
South Dakota Rapid City Mission