My dearest family,
This conference weekend truly was amazing, I just loved it! We were counting down the hours until we could watch conference ... it was truly a treat for us! The whole time, especially Uchtdorfs talk, I was thinking of our less actives and just was hoping and praying that they were watching! That talk was inspired for the ones in our branch! But I just loved it. I have no doubt that this is the true church.. my heart aches and yearns for those we come in contact with that close themselves off to hearing the truth. It breaks my heart. 

We don't have very good meals unless we are fed by the members, which doesn't happen too much. Sister Johnson and I had a talk last night about how we need to eat better... we're gaining a few extra pounds (; But it's just wonderful still. The work is still hard and frustrating sometimes but it's so rewarding when we talk to someone about the gospel, no matter if they accept it or reject it. It just helps me in confirming my testimony.
They shut down the parks here (Wind Caves, Jewel Cave... and I'm not sure what else) but it has taken a lot of our members out of work for the past week! That's definitely not a good thing, especially here, because there aren't many jobs here to begin with. They are also considering closing the VA here... which is the main job source in Hot Springs. If they close that then this town will be a ghost town and there is a good chance they'll take the missionaries out of here. Which would just break my heart because there is so much potential here!

 Sister Johnson and I were talking about how much stuff I had and she was concerned that I wouldn't be able to fit it all in my suitcases when transfers come. Hopefully I won't get transferred for a while! I might have to send back some things that I won't need! But I really appreciate you sending it all out to me... it saved my life!! Especially the coats! So this past Friday, it snowed..... all day....... and it was freezing! But of course, we had to go out and knock on some doors, missionary work doesn't end even if its snowing. But it was crazy because I'm not sure if the tree's are just really weak, if the wind was really strong, or if the snow was just really heavy but we would hear cracking and then a huge branch would fall from a tree!!! We had to dodge so many falling trees it was insane!!! But it made for a very exciting day as we were out in the blizzard! Sister Johnson and I just have an absolute blast, I just love her. What's really cool about Hot Springs is that the rivers are... hot springs haha. So when it snowed and when it gets cold, the river steams! We live right next to the river and we run by it each morning and it is incredible to see that no matter how cold it is, that river will never freeze.
It's crazy how important missionary work is being brought up in the church. We definitely are hastening the work! I love how they emphasized in conference to work with the missionaries! One thing that I have really found to be important in missionary work is member involvement. When investigators are able to have lessons with members it not only gives that 3rd witness of the gospel but it helps them be fellowshipped into the ward which makes it a more welcoming environment because they aren't afraid to go to a new place with people they don't know. Plus, it makes it seem like a normal thing because of course, us missioanries are normal... but we always wear skirts and dresses and we are doing missionary work all day every day. That's a little strange to some people! So yeah, it makes the transition of an investigator a lot easier! 
I am just SO jealous that you are all going to be together for Christmas! But I cannot wait to be able to talk to you all! We are actually going to be able to skype! HOW COOL HUH!? But I am so very excited! Sister Johnson and I are already listening to Christmas music! The Christmas music that we have anyway! We can listen to any hymns by anyone, not just Mormon Tabernacle Choir which is awesome! I wish I would have burned some CDs of Christmas music though... that would be awesome right about now haha! But we sing Christmas music all the time while walking down the street... especially this past weekend because there was snow all around us! Haha.

 I keep recognizing so many blessings in my life that I have had each and every day. I thank the Lord for everything I've been given, because I guarantee I am one of the luckiest girls in the world. I haven't gotten anything in the mail yet! The mailman hasn't been to our apartment in the past couple days... not sure why...  Real letters in the mail are the best. Seriously. We pray every day that we will get a letter... hahaha... kind of pathetic of us. But they're literally like gold!

I wanted to tell you something that I think you'd get quite a kick out of. So... being the junior companion I have some responsibilities that I am in charge of. One of those is the phone. I am suppose to make the calls, do the texting, and always have it with me. So.... you'd expect me to be really good at that right? haha wrong... I am HORRIBLE. I always forget it in the apartment. I hate making phone calls. I'm okay with texting people... but I forget to text people back all. the. time. Sister Johnson gets frustrated with me! Haha... but I just thought that was pretty funny since Pops thought I was gunna have withdrawals not having my phone. I honestly am SO relieved not having to worry about it. I am not having any type of phone withdrawal, it's great! (:
It's been really slow this past week.. We have only one progressing investigator and it's our wonderful guy on date. He is awesome. Literally. We just love him! He is so solid and is really recognizing the power of the gospel and how much it can bless his life. We are so amazed by the wonders of the gospel and how it truly affects and changes peoples lives. Being raised in the gospel I wasn't really able to recognize and see the power that the gospel brings to those who don't have it because we've always had it! It's incredible. I just love it! I still get super frustrated that I'm not as good of a teacher as I want to be but I'm making progress. This past week we were teaching Mervin (our investigator on date for baptism) the gospel of Jesus Christ lesson. It was the first time I was teaching it and I was SO terrified and nervous. Sister Johnson reminded me that I don't have to be perfect and to just rely on the spirit. So we said a prayer before and really asked for the spirit to be there to direct us as we taught. That night I recognized and felt the amazing power of the Spirit working through me. I was able to recall things that I had studied and really teach the principles in the lesson to him. It was such an amazing feeling and was just another testimony builder that the Lord is always there to guide and direct me as long as I am doing my part to prepare and study the best I can.
My MTC Companion, Sister Bird, left for home this last transfer. It broke my heart. She was having a hard time and couldn't handle it so she decided to leave. I haven't talked to her since the MTC. I wish that I would have handled the situation with her in the MTC a lot better... I sent her a letter while we were out in the field apologizing and expressing my love and gratitude to her and am just hoping that she got it and it helped her to understand and forgive me for not being the best companion I could have. My heart truly aches for her that she didn't think she could handle it anymore. It just got me thinking that no matter how many times I want to go home, no matter how hard it is, no matter how stressed or frustrated I get, I will never go home. And that sometimes is what frustrates me the most, is knowing that no matter how hard or trying it is, I'm never going to give up. And that makes me frustrated! I'm too stubborn to quit, especially when what I am doing is helping others find happiness in this life! Sister Johnson and I have had many many MANY talks about this and I am so blessed to have her as my trainer. I can't tell you how many times I have just cried out of frustration or homesickness or whatever the case may be, she has been such a great support and has given me the strength to keep pressing forward. She thinks I'm going to be this great missionary, one of the best in the mission, which I know she's just trying to make me feel better. But it has really given me the drive to become one of the best in the mission. I want to be able to become what the Lord sees. And I am going to work my hardest and prepare myself enough so I can be the best in the mission that I can. And not the best of the missionaries out here, but the best that me, Sister Allen, can become in the mission.
I am having a blast and I just love little Hot Springs South Dakota. There are so many wonderful things here and it is absolutely gorgeous! I just want all of you to be able to see it! I will try and send pictures. Well, I hope you all have a great week. I just love and adore you all and know that you are all in my prayers. Keep doing good and continue to live by example. And whenever possible, share the gospel. Always heed to your promptings of the Spirit. Never turn them away. Always follow those promptings because you never know whose prayers you could be answering. I love you all so much!
Sister Allen

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Sister Abigail Allen
South Dakota Rapid City Mission