Well hello (:
I made it to good ole South Dakota! I'm in my new area, Hot Springs. My companion is Sister Johnson and we get along great! She has taught me so much already. We served in the Library today, counting receipts! Oh joy (: Well, I don't have much time to talk today, just letting you know I made it safe! Hot springs is a super small town and super cute! We should have a good time here. We are pink washing, which means there use to be Elders here and now we are replacing them. Oh how wonderful! Haha, I'm excited for it and we can't wait to get started. I'll send a picture of my new companion and I when I get the chance. Probably monday when I have my pday! 
Well, I love and miss you but I'm having a great time out here serving the Lord. This gospel is so true and I learn each and every day the reason why I decided to serve. This is such an amazing experience and I am blessed to be able to do it. I will talk to you soon! Love you (:
Sister Allen

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Sister Abigail Allen
South Dakota Rapid City Mission