Oh my wonderful parents, 
I am so glad to hear from you. I am excited to meet my mission president and his wife! Monday will be the day! We leave the MTC at 4:30 in the morning and head to the airport. Crazy I only have 2 days left here in the MTC. It's been such a great experience. I have really grown to love my district and the Elders and Sisters in it. It will definitely be hard to leave them. My companion and I actually don't get along too well which is sad. We don't ever really have the spirit with us and most of the time we switch companions with the other 2 sisters. It's frustrating sometimes to the other sisters and myself just because she just leaves with another sister and leaves me and the other sister together. I love the sister I'm left with but its frustrating because they're breaking the rules and we want to be exactly obedient so we can have the spirit with us at all times. Its definitely a challenge and I know that it's to better myself and help me develop patience but its hard. 

The new missionaries came this past wednesday and they are so adorable! They are all going to be great missionaries! I love being in the presence of missionaries that are so excited to do the work. When I get home I probably am going to try and work here at the MTC, its such an amazing work environment. MOM! I'm so sorry you got lost going back to Shay's!!! But I'm glad it didnt take you very long to figure it out and get back. I can't believe how fast time flies! This past sunday I was able to watch a devotional from Elder Bednar about the "Character of Christ." If you get the chance to watch it, I recommend it! It is one of the most inspirational talks I have ever heard. It definitely changed my whole mindset and thought process of serving a mission. I had doubts of whether or not this was truly what I wanted to do and I was doubting my abilities and that talk completely erased them and gave me hope to better myself and to become more like Christ. He talked about times when Christ was showing his character. When he was being temped by the serpant 3 times on the mountain, tempting him to deny himself, at the end he says to send an angel to John who had been suffering at that time. Then Bednar talked about when Christ was holding the cross, Peter cut off the ear of one of the Guards and Christ healed his ear. And then on the cross when he was dying he said to forgive them, they know not what they do. All throughout Christ's life, he turns out when the natural man would turn in. When we go through something so hard and overcome it, we turn in and want others to essentially pity us, but the character of Christ turns out when we would turn in. I just loved it. ALSO on tuesday we had the opportunity to hear from Elder Richard G. Scott. Such an amazing experience to be in the presence on an apostle! He talked about missionary work and how important prayer is. It was so powerful. He showed us such love and you could really feel it! I am blessed to have been able to experience that.

I am so glad that Mckenzie and the kids made it safe!!! That is going to be so fun for you! And thats great my boots and contacts arrived! I can't wait to see them!!!!

So later today we get to go to the temple and I CANT WAIT! I have been dying to go and am blessed we are able to. Since the temple has been closed, we are the first missionaries to go! I can't wait! I'm going to try and send pictures to you but it didnt work this last week! But i'll try. Im so glad i was able to talk with you both and I love you all so much. I appreciate the support and love from each and every one of you and can't wait to hear from you again. Remember to keep doing the little things, studying the scriptures, praying, taking advantage of the atonement, and enduring to the end. By doing so, you will be strengthened in all different aspects. I love you all so much. I am grateful for this opportunity I have to serve and can't wait to finally get out there! Keep strengthening that testimony of yours!

Sister Allen

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Sister Abigail Allen
South Dakota Rapid City Mission